I was leaning against the bar in a speakeasy on Fiftysecond Street, waiting for Nora to finish her Christmas shopping, when a girl got up from the table where she had been sitting with three other people and came over to me. She was small and blonde, and wheter you looked at her face or at her body in powder-blue sports clothers, the result was satisfactory.
"Aren't you Nick Charles?" she asked.
I said: "Yes"
She held out her hand. "I'm Dorothy Wynant. You don't remember me, but you ought to remember my father, Clyde Wynant. You --"
"Sure" I said, "and I remember you now, but you were only a kid of eleven or twelve then, weren't you?"
"Yes, that was eight years ago. Listen: remember those stories you told me? Were they true?"
"Probably not. How is your father?"
She laughed. "I was going to ask you. Mamma divorced him, you know, and we never hear from him - except when he gets in the newspapers now and then with some of his carrying on. Don't you ever see him?"
My glass was empty. I asked her what she would have to drink, she said Scotch and soda. I ordered two of them and said: "No, i've been living in San Francisco."
She said slowly: "I'd like to see him. Mamma would raise hell if she found it out, but i'd like to see him."
"He's not where we used to live, on Riverside Drive, and he's not in the phone-book or city directory."
"Try his lawyer" I suggested
Her face brightened "Who is he?"
"It used to be a fellow named Mac-something-or-other-Macaulay, that's it, Herbert Macaulay. He was in the Singer Building."
"Lend me a nickel" she said, and went out to the telephone. She came back smiling "I found him. He's just round the corner on Fifth Avenue."
"Yuor father?"
"The lawyer. He says my father's out of town. I'm going round to see him." She raised her glass to me. "Family reunions. Look, why don't --"
Asta jumped up and punched me in the belly with her front feet. Nora, at the other end of the leash, said: "She's had a swell afternoon -- knocked over a table of toys, at Lord & Taylor's, scared a fat woman silly by liking her leg in Sack's, and's been patted by three policemen."
I made introductions. "My wife, Dorothy Wynant. Her father was once a client of mine, when she was only so high. A good guy, but screwy."
"I was fascinated by him" Dorothy said, meaning me "a real detective, and used to follow him around making him tell me about is experiences. He told me awful lies, but i belevied every word."
I said "You look tired, Nora"
"I am. Let's sit down."
Dorothy Wynant said she had to go back to her table. She shook hands with Nora; we must drop in for cocktails, they were living at the Courtland, her mother's name was Jorgensen now. We would be glad to and she must come see us some time, we were at the Normandie and would be in New York for another week or two. Dorothy patted the dog's head and left us.
We found a table. Nora said "She's pretty."
"If you like them like that."
She grinned at me "You got types"
"Only you, darling -- lanky brunettes with wicked jaws."
"And how about the red-head you wandered off with at the Quinns' last night?"
"That's silly" I said "She just wanted to show me some French etchings."
The Thin Man - Dashiell Hammett